Friday, November 5, 2010

Furry Friday

If you ever had a chance to ask my family what type of animal I would be if I were an animal, I am pretty sure they would all answer, a cat. The whole idea of napping all day, basking in the sun, having warm fur everywhere, getting massages all of the time, who wouldn't want to be a cat?

Well, being the cat lover that I am, I asked Jon if we could get a cat when we got married. The answer, no way. He said he was allergic. Then Curt moved in, and his cat Paws was going to have to live with his sister. So, only being concerned for the well being of the cat, I mentioned to Jon that maybe Paws would be happier if she could live with us too.

Introducing... Paws the wondercat. She is so named because she has 6 digits on every paw. Curt's had her since she was a baby and now she's about 8 years old. She's chubby, reminds me of a bunny rabbit, and really likes to yell at us when she gets locked out of the house. She sleeps in the bed with whoever goes to bed first and that usually means she sleeps at my feet. For your viewing pleasure, here she is.

Paws curled up on my lap while Jon and Curt were at work one day.

Sometimes she sleeps in the weirdest positions. But only before the bed is made.

See, when the bed is made she sleeps like a normal cat.

Oh, and sometimes she pretends she's a hunter and blends herself into the surroundings.


no said...

my kitties sleep in completely abnormal positions too :) Paws is a cutie pie!

HennessyFamily said...

Don't ever tell Brekley you have a cat when we are there. She will drive you nuts. She has started her list for our new house. We have gone from a white dog to a fish now to a bird. She is getting none of them!

Jon said...

She sure sleeps a lot!