Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spirit of Christmas: Day 13

The Elf on the Shelf

Coming home from Las Vegas this weekend, Jon and I were both suffering from colds. We were tired and it was foggy, then snowy here in Utah. It was the perfect time for some holiday cheer. Going out to get the mail on Monday afternoon we were both surprised to find this guy, waiting ever so patiently for us.

We haven't yet picked out his name, we're trying to decide between Gunther and any other name really. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments please.

If you've never heard of this tradition, it comes from a book that a mother and daughter wrote together in honor of a tradition they created in their home growing up. The elf comes to your home during the month or so before Christmas. Each day he watches what you do and at night he travels back to Santa to tell him if you have been naughty or nice. There is one major condition, you cannot touch the elf, or he might not make it back to Santa to tell him how you have behaved. The next day he finds a new hiding spot to watch how you are treating your friends and family.

This is the book that our elf came with, it explains the tradition and also tells you how to name your elf. So.. help us out guys, will it be Gunther? Or can you come up with a better name?

Look out tomorrow for a Kid Friendly Christmas Decor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Anyway... names.... hmm... maybe...Felix, James, Fredrick (Fred), Dean,Elliot, Ivan, Miles, Manny, Noel, Lance,... haha IDk.. what ever.

I like Noel, but you say it like..
No-ll ...noll... Like the word NO, but with l at the end. Kinda cool.. or Dean.